Physical Exam and Vaccines


Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations are an integral part of a puppy and kitten’s developmental process. Our lovable pets are as prone to deadly diseases as we are. Numerous viruses and bacteria can make them sick and even lead to critical illness. But thanks to vaccines that safeguard our pets from diseases and keep them strong and healthy. Vaccines are meant to keep their immune system strong thereby enabling speedy recovery. Vaccines are considered as a huge medical development that has reduced the animal death figure significantly. Periodic vaccination improves the immune system of your pets and they stay protected.

Why Pet Vaccination is Important?

A newborn puppy or kitten is prone to many types of environmental and genetic diseases. An infected newborn is unlikely to survive if the disease spreads further. Vaccination significantly builds up an effective and strong protective shield that defends against fatal diseases. We provide every type of vaccination vital to be administered after birth to puppies and kittens. We highly recommend at least two physical exams per year.

When and What Vaccine Should Be Given?

Your veterinarian can only suggest the best vaccines for your pet as per its age. There are numerous check-up programs that assist the veterinarian in providing the right kind of vaccine to your pet.

Our vets hold extensive experience in pet health care services. They can guide you about when and how much vaccination your pet requires. We prescribe the vaccination after considering various factors.

Vaccination for Dogs

  • Core Vaccines: Rabies, DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Para influenza, Parvovirus)
  • Non-Core Vaccines: Lyme Disease Vaccine, Bordetella and Leptospira Vaccines (Lifestyle vaccines)

Vaccination for Cats

  • Core Vaccines: Rabies, FVRCP
  • Non Core Vaccines: Felv, Chlamydia, FIP
  • It is highly recommended to get Kittens tested for presence of any viral disease prior to vaccination.
  • After cats move past 16 weeks of age, two vaccine doses are administered with a difference of 3-4 weeks. At the completion of 1 year, the final booster dosage is given.

We, at Hwy 401 Warden Pet Hospital, provide vaccination and also maintain a complete vaccine chart of pet. Safeguarding pets against diseases early in life means that you can definitely look forward to spending more quality years with your beloved pet.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm

